Thursday, March 1, 2012

Straight from the horses mouth, Frothy thinks that class mobility is a bad thing. He thinks that kids who grow up in lower income households should grow up to be just like their parents -- in lower income households. He wants to keep the poor poor.

"I want to create jobs so people can remake their children in their image." - Rick Santorum

So basically, if you're a construction worker, your kids should be too. Hey Ricky, does that mean your seven children should grow up to be a bigoted, snobby, hate-spreaders too? Another reason why Rick Santorum Is Evil.

Newsflash: Frothy supports the so-called Blunt Amendment, a bill that would allow any employer in the country to deny healthcare coverage such as prenatal care to pregnant women that conceived out of wedlock or birth control to women that need it to ensure their fertility. We must stop this attack on women by evil politicians like Santorum. He is a threat to all women in this country. Employers cannot be in charge of controlling their employees healthcare decisions or denying them coverage based on their perceived, ignorant beliefs. If they are allowed to do this, then any employer can deny any form of healthcare based on stating that they believe it to be wrong. Do you want your father denied a kidney transplant because his employer thinks kidney's shouldn't be messed with on 'moral grounds.' I think not. But Frothy does. Another reason why Rick Santorum Is Evil.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Want to know how to make Frothy ill? Just talk about separation of church and state! In an interview this morning, Santorum said that when reading JFK's famous speech about separating religion and governing, he "almost threw up." Let's take a look at an excerpt from this apparently sickening speech.

"I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute -- where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be a Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote -- where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference - and where no man is denied public office merely because his religion is different from the President who might appoint him or the people who might elect him."

I can see why this bothers Frothy. President hopeful that gets pushed around by the pope.. check. President hopeful that wants to impose religion on our schools.. check. President who will deny Muslims positions in his administration.. check.

Let's look at some more from JFK.

"I believe in an America.. where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials - and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all."

So Ricky.. it is sickening to think that one religion should not impose its will upon the people? Really? REALLY?! This sounds an awful lot like a theocracy. Very patriotic. And how about your views on acts against churches that aren't your own? You've said about racial profiling at airports, "Obviously, Muslims would be someone you'd look at, absolutely. The radical Muslims are the people committing these crimes." If someone announced that all Catholics must be patted down before they enter a restaurant if they are identified by wearing a cross, you'd say it was going against your religious liberty. You'd say it was an "attack against the Catholic Church" just like you have so many times before. But you think it's okay to attack another religion. So very patriotic for the home of the free. I can see why you'd be the best pick for President.

In the interview this morning, Frothy also said, "What makes me throw up is someone who is now trying to tell people that you will do what the government says." Yes let's talk about Obama and how he wants to tell people to provide healthcare for each other. Let's not talk about how you want to tell people what to do with their bodies, what their "place" is in life, what to teach their children, who to love, when to have sex.

You make me want to throw up.