Saturday, February 25, 2012

At the Americans for "Prosperity" Presidential Forum this morning, Frothy told a crowd of conservatives that instead of giving people government dependency, he wants to help the lower class "participate in the rise of this country." Ricky, if you want to help people participate in the "rise of the this country," then why have you repeatedly voted against raising the minimum wage? Let me get it straight, you want to have an entire class of people that are paid so little that they can barely afford to put food on the table, and you don't want to help them out as a society. You discourage this group from getting a college education and following the American dream of upwards class mobility by saying that Obama's policies of promoting opportunities for people from all classes to attend college is something he supports because he is a "snob" (another thing he said at the Americans for "Prosperity" Presidential this morning).  It is you, Ricky, that are the snob. Your system of keeping a class of Americans that live in poor conditions, can barely eat and can't raise up in class or wealth sounds awfully familiar. And your previous statements of racially categorizing this lower class of people are equally as offensive and reveal your terrifying motivations for becoming president and spreading this evil. And no, Rick, these policies are not what a "Prosperity" President is all about.

Friday, February 24, 2012

'God' I wish I wrote this myself - a picture of what our nation will look like if Frothy becomes president.
Karen "the devil's wife" Santorum says Frothy's presidential bid is "god's will." Whose god, Karen? Not mine for sure. Not any sane person's. But then again you and your husband never were sane.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can you tell the difference between a Santorum quote and a heavy metal lyric?

Take the test here.
In response to his vote for Georgie W. Bush's "No Child Left Behind" package, Frothy says, "I made a mistake." Well Ricky, as my favorite superhero, Clark Kent, says "There's no room for mistakes. Not when the world is watching."

I have to say, however, if this is what your mistakes look like, I hope you make many more.

NEWSFLASH: Frothy says he will vote for anything he disagrees with as long as the GOP supports it. My question to you, Mr. Rick, is what happens when the GOP wants to start killing the gays? Oh wait.. I'm pretty sure you already support that.

Read about it here.
Want to read about Frothy's performance in the debate? Check it out here.
Obama's Religion


Another wonderful video of our favorite Frothy. This time, at around 6:08, he starts talking about whether or not gay couples with kids are families.. which believe it or not leads to him flipping out at the media because they ask him questions about gay rights "insistently." Well Rick, if you're going to try to trample on the rights of human beings, I think you have to deal with a few questions about it. 

Check the video out yourself for some good old fashion fuel in the fire.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Watch and read about Frothy's radical views on public education here.

I'll give you a taste: he says that socialization in public schools (i.e. interacting with children the same age as your kids for 9 hours a day) is "weird." Riiiiight.. home schooled children NEVER turn out weird.
Who's to blame for America's energy problems? Why, Obama of course! Watch Frothy make a fool of himself here.
Watch out, US peeps - Frothy thinks Satan could strike you down with a lightening bult at any second.

"This is not a political war at all. This is not a cultural war at all. This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies, Satan, would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country: the United States of America." - Frothy, Ava Maria University, Naples, FL

Yep, you heard it. Forget big brother, Satan is the one with his eyes on you.
Who will get shot..


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You've got to check out this video, where Frothy neglects to answer the question of how he would govern people of different faiths while staying true to his catholic faith. If you can't even answer a straightforward question, why should I trust you with my country?

To my favorite Frothy, aka Mr. Santorum:

I invite you now to listen to my plea,
And stop trying to destroy the land of the free.
I’ll admit, I think you’re actually pretty smart.
It’s just that sometimes (well.. Most times) you have absolutely no heart.

You think there should be a gap in income,
So the rich can gather money in a greater sum.
But this won’t help us average Americans.
That’s why you have so few liberal fans.

You think we should teach creation in schools,
Teach our kids to think like blind mules.
And don’t get me started on how you want to ban sex ed.
That won’t stop teenagers from going to bed.

You think “man on dog” is the same as being gay.
That type of insult is far from okay.
Why must you promote so much hate?
It doesn’t help the sad condition of our state.

You think contraception promotes unhealthy sex,
And when a woman is raped, you don’t see how the choice is complex.
According to these policies, women could be raped any day,
And would have to carry their rapist’s babies to term, without any say.

You tell lies about euthanasia in the Netherlands.
This is not how you will make any more friends.
Please stop lying with false statistics.
It is not one of your better characteristics.

You think women should only stay at home,
Tucked away, with their mop, fork and comb.
With this idea, you are flat out wrong.
You belittle the accomplishments that women have worked on for so long.

So Mr. Santorum, this is where my letter ends.
Though there is much more I can say, based on your trends.
Please stop promoting ideas that are medieval.
Then maybe I’ll stop saying “Rick Santorum Is Evil.”

What education will look like...



Monday, February 20, 2012

Do they euthanize innocents in The Netherlands? Frothy sure thinks so. Too bad we don't do it here...

Read about Rick's lies here.
Where women will work...


(The Baby Factory)
Frothy thinks global warming is not actual science but "political science." Well Mr. Ignoring-the-facts, when our planet resembles your "hell" because it's so hot, I hope then you come to the realization that your "god" sent you to "hell" for your many MANY sins.  Me, I'll be soaking up the sun knowing I've done my best to counter your attack on humanity that resembles an attack by.. well.. "Lucifer" more then anyone else.

Frothy: Public schools are "anachronistic."
Frothy's latest - stop women from getting prenatal exams. Is this lunatic for real?? He has to be a troll..