Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Beware of pink bowling balls!
At a bowling alley campaign stop, Frothy told a young boy about to pick up a bowling ball, "You're not gonna use the pink ball. We're not gonna let you do that. Not on camera."
Great job, Rick! Why didn't we realize this before.. the problem with our country is that young boys don't shy away from pink enough! Please, oh please help us fix this problem.
At a bowling alley campaign stop, Frothy told a young boy about to pick up a bowling ball, "You're not gonna use the pink ball. We're not gonna let you do that. Not on camera."
Great job, Rick! Why didn't we realize this before.. the problem with our country is that young boys don't shy away from pink enough! Please, oh please help us fix this problem.
Monday, March 26, 2012
What makes you a real republican according to Frothy? Family values? Protection of freedom? Nope! It's cursing at a NY Times reporter. Read about it here.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Dear Mr. Santorum,
At first I thought you were full of hate,
But I see more stupidity each time you debate.
Some think you are smart, but I know what’s true.
It’s the people of this country that you want to screw.
You make remarks in the name of religious freedom.
When really you try to stop people from marching to their own drum.
Imposing your views on us is not what this country is about.
That is not why politicians have so much clout.
You claim to protect us from Sharia Law,
But there are similarities to your views I can easily draw.
You want prayer in school but that is not fair.
If someone doesn’t believe in your “god”, you really don’t care.
You think states should be allowed to deny women the birth control pill.
And yet you think women should be forced to have rapists babies, at any man’s will.
If we can’t have an abortion and can’t prevent ovulating,
Then we are at the whims of men, is what you are basically stating.
I will not stand for your desire to enslave women kind.
Sex is about more then procreation, it’s about letting people unwind.
Studies have shown sex is a good thing,
Important to human nature with or without a ring.
I also can’t understand your view on Puerto Rico.
How can you be so stupid, have you really sunk that low?
There is no language requirement in any united state.
This just shows your racism is first rate.
There is no reason to make a rich and wonderful culture change their ways.
I hope you can accept them as brothers and sisters one of these days.
Please tell me how it would benefit us,
To force a people to throw their culture under a bus.
Next let’s talk about your war on porn.
This will be a detriment to your campaign, I must warn.
Since the beginning of time people have loved to watch sex.
I’m scared to think what you’ll try to ban next.
If you want to enforce laws against children in a sex movie.
I think that’d be pretty damn groovy.
But to try to stop people from enjoying themselves,
Is ridiculous, since it does no harm to anyone else.
Infact porn does no harm at all.
Adultery and promiscuity will never fall.
If a person wants to have casual sex you cannot stop them.
Porn or no porn, it’s not up to you to condemn.
Rick, I hope you do not win.
When you lose I will have a big, fat, happy grin.
You try to appeal to voters’ guilt
But that is not how our country was built.
Freedom will win out, I have every hope.
This country will never be at the whims of the pope.
So go back to your church and stay where you belong.
Hidden from power, for your whole life long.
Your views are backwards, even medieval.
That is why I say, RICK SANTORUM IS EVIL.
At first I thought you were full of hate,
But I see more stupidity each time you debate.
Some think you are smart, but I know what’s true.
It’s the people of this country that you want to screw.
You make remarks in the name of religious freedom.
When really you try to stop people from marching to their own drum.
Imposing your views on us is not what this country is about.
That is not why politicians have so much clout.
You claim to protect us from Sharia Law,
But there are similarities to your views I can easily draw.
You want prayer in school but that is not fair.
If someone doesn’t believe in your “god”, you really don’t care.
You think states should be allowed to deny women the birth control pill.
And yet you think women should be forced to have rapists babies, at any man’s will.
If we can’t have an abortion and can’t prevent ovulating,
Then we are at the whims of men, is what you are basically stating.
I will not stand for your desire to enslave women kind.
Sex is about more then procreation, it’s about letting people unwind.
Studies have shown sex is a good thing,
Important to human nature with or without a ring.
I also can’t understand your view on Puerto Rico.
How can you be so stupid, have you really sunk that low?
There is no language requirement in any united state.
This just shows your racism is first rate.
There is no reason to make a rich and wonderful culture change their ways.
I hope you can accept them as brothers and sisters one of these days.
Please tell me how it would benefit us,
To force a people to throw their culture under a bus.
Next let’s talk about your war on porn.
This will be a detriment to your campaign, I must warn.
Since the beginning of time people have loved to watch sex.
I’m scared to think what you’ll try to ban next.
If you want to enforce laws against children in a sex movie.
I think that’d be pretty damn groovy.
But to try to stop people from enjoying themselves,
Is ridiculous, since it does no harm to anyone else.
Infact porn does no harm at all.
Adultery and promiscuity will never fall.
If a person wants to have casual sex you cannot stop them.
Porn or no porn, it’s not up to you to condemn.
Rick, I hope you do not win.
When you lose I will have a big, fat, happy grin.
You try to appeal to voters’ guilt
But that is not how our country was built.
Freedom will win out, I have every hope.
This country will never be at the whims of the pope.
So go back to your church and stay where you belong.
Hidden from power, for your whole life long.
Your views are backwards, even medieval.
That is why I say, RICK SANTORUM IS EVIL.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Just posted on youtube is a 2005 interview where Frothy compared abortion to slavery. In the interview, he says that abortion equates a clump of cells to "property,"similar to how human slaves were considered property of their owners back in the day. Well, Ricky, tell me how forcing a woman to undergo a medical condition is any less treating her like property then forcing a person to pick cotton out of a field? And let's talk about how you would like to outlaw birth control as well as abortion in the cases of rape. So basically, anytime anywhere anyone (male) that wants to have sex with a woman, whether or not she wants to, can force her to carry a child. Allowing the government or any man in the world to invade a woman's womb is treating her womb and her body like government property. Abortions prevent a clump of cells from developing into a human being. As you have put it so often when referring to gay marriage, a "paper towel is not a napkin," no matter how many times you say it is. Just the same, a clump of cells is not a human being no matter how much you want it to be. A woman, however? THAT is a human being. And her womb is not your property.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
What's scarier then a hypocrite politician on a religious crusade? The fools that support him of course! Check out a music video made by some Frothy fans.
"Game on," you say? No, my life is not a game. No, my body is not your game. No, politics should not be taken as lightly as a game of table tennis when you have someone that wants to ban contraception even in cases of cancer prevention and forcefully unmarry married people (and by the way, spell check is telling me that 'unmarry' isn't even a word. Frothy wants to alter the english language too). The only game you have on is to learn how to write a better song.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Check out the top 10 catholic church teachings that Forthy ignores while using the bible to promote homophobia and women's inferiority here.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
In an interview with NBC, Frothy told his audience that "just because public opinion says something doesn't mean it's right." Uh... Ricky.. you are not only evil but you are also an idiot if you can not see how this supports marriage equality, seeing as one of the main arguments for the homophobe side is that the "people have voted" countless times and have always "upheld traditional marriage." How can you argue that just because the people have voted against marriage equality means same-sex marriages are bad if you also argue that public opinion doesn't mean something is right?
Frothy went on to say that "I'm sure there were times in areas of this country when people said blacks were less than human." Do I even need to address this one? Just like people didn't think "blacks," as you call them Ricky, deserved equal rights, many people today think that gay people don't deserve equal rights. But both minority communities deserve the dignity, respect and rights that the majority has. You have just made the comparison that all the people on the right side of history have been making for decades: that gay rights is the new civil rights movement. Thank you for your support.
Monday, March 5, 2012
At a church in Oklahoma on Sunday, Frothy said this about welfare programs:
"That's how they see you, as people, to get hooked like a drug dealer - someone to become dependent on them. And once that happens, they got you.. America is changed forever. No country that has socialized medicine has ever gone back to the other way, no country that has lost its freedom has ever regained it."
Uh.. Ricky.. don't you understand that people living on entitlement programs are living in poverty? That's like saying that a drug dealer is trying to get you hooked on heroine, but he'll only provide you enough to shoot up once a year. Do you see how ridiculous?
And yes, no country that has ever offered universal healthcare for everyone in the country has gone back to the survival of the fittest mode. How shocking.
"That's how they see you, as people, to get hooked like a drug dealer - someone to become dependent on them. And once that happens, they got you.. America is changed forever. No country that has socialized medicine has ever gone back to the other way, no country that has lost its freedom has ever regained it."
Uh.. Ricky.. don't you understand that people living on entitlement programs are living in poverty? That's like saying that a drug dealer is trying to get you hooked on heroine, but he'll only provide you enough to shoot up once a year. Do you see how ridiculous?
And yes, no country that has ever offered universal healthcare for everyone in the country has gone back to the survival of the fittest mode. How shocking.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
From none other then the Christian Post itself, read here about how Frothy donated less then 2% of his income to charity last year. That's about 13% less then both Obama and Romney's donations. His excuse? His sick 3-year-old is "very, very expensive" to care for. Well, Ricky, why did you give only 2% to charity the years before she was born? And WHY oh WHY must you lie about it? Another reason why RICK SANTORUM IS EVIL.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Straight from the horses mouth, Frothy thinks that class mobility is a bad thing. He thinks that kids who grow up in lower income households should grow up to be just like their parents -- in lower income households. He wants to keep the poor poor.
"I want to create jobs so people can remake their children in their image." - Rick Santorum
So basically, if you're a construction worker, your kids should be too. Hey Ricky, does that mean your seven children should grow up to be a bigoted, snobby, hate-spreaders too? Another reason why Rick Santorum Is Evil.
"I want to create jobs so people can remake their children in their image." - Rick Santorum
So basically, if you're a construction worker, your kids should be too. Hey Ricky, does that mean your seven children should grow up to be a bigoted, snobby, hate-spreaders too? Another reason why Rick Santorum Is Evil.
Newsflash: Frothy supports the so-called Blunt Amendment, a bill that would allow any employer in the country to deny healthcare coverage such as prenatal care to pregnant women that conceived out of wedlock or birth control to women that need it to ensure their fertility. We must stop this attack on women by evil politicians like Santorum. He is a threat to all women in this country. Employers cannot be in charge of controlling their employees healthcare decisions or denying them coverage based on their perceived, ignorant beliefs. If they are allowed to do this, then any employer can deny any form of healthcare based on stating that they believe it to be wrong. Do you want your father denied a kidney transplant because his employer thinks kidney's shouldn't be messed with on 'moral grounds.' I think not. But Frothy does. Another reason why Rick Santorum Is Evil.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Want to know how to make Frothy ill? Just talk about separation of church and state! In an interview this morning, Santorum said that when reading JFK's famous speech about separating religion and governing, he "almost threw up." Let's take a look at an excerpt from this apparently sickening speech.
"I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute -- where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be a Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote -- where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference - and where no man is denied public office merely because his religion is different from the President who might appoint him or the people who might elect him."
I can see why this bothers Frothy. President hopeful that gets pushed around by the pope.. check. President hopeful that wants to impose religion on our schools.. check. President who will deny Muslims positions in his administration.. check.
Let's look at some more from JFK.
"I believe in an America.. where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials - and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all."
So Ricky.. it is sickening to think that one religion should not impose its will upon the people? Really? REALLY?! This sounds an awful lot like a theocracy. Very patriotic. And how about your views on acts against churches that aren't your own? You've said about racial profiling at airports, "Obviously, Muslims would be someone you'd look at, absolutely. The radical Muslims are the people committing these crimes." If someone announced that all Catholics must be patted down before they enter a restaurant if they are identified by wearing a cross, you'd say it was going against your religious liberty. You'd say it was an "attack against the Catholic Church" just like you have so many times before. But you think it's okay to attack another religion. So very patriotic for the home of the free. I can see why you'd be the best pick for President.
In the interview this morning, Frothy also said, "What makes me throw up is someone who is now trying to tell people that you will do what the government says." Yes let's talk about Obama and how he wants to tell people to provide healthcare for each other. Let's not talk about how you want to tell people what to do with their bodies, what their "place" is in life, what to teach their children, who to love, when to have sex.
You make me want to throw up.
"I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute -- where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be a Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote -- where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference - and where no man is denied public office merely because his religion is different from the President who might appoint him or the people who might elect him."
I can see why this bothers Frothy. President hopeful that gets pushed around by the pope.. check. President hopeful that wants to impose religion on our schools.. check. President who will deny Muslims positions in his administration.. check.
Let's look at some more from JFK.
"I believe in an America.. where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials - and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all."
So Ricky.. it is sickening to think that one religion should not impose its will upon the people? Really? REALLY?! This sounds an awful lot like a theocracy. Very patriotic. And how about your views on acts against churches that aren't your own? You've said about racial profiling at airports, "Obviously, Muslims would be someone you'd look at, absolutely. The radical Muslims are the people committing these crimes." If someone announced that all Catholics must be patted down before they enter a restaurant if they are identified by wearing a cross, you'd say it was going against your religious liberty. You'd say it was an "attack against the Catholic Church" just like you have so many times before. But you think it's okay to attack another religion. So very patriotic for the home of the free. I can see why you'd be the best pick for President.
In the interview this morning, Frothy also said, "What makes me throw up is someone who is now trying to tell people that you will do what the government says." Yes let's talk about Obama and how he wants to tell people to provide healthcare for each other. Let's not talk about how you want to tell people what to do with their bodies, what their "place" is in life, what to teach their children, who to love, when to have sex.
You make me want to throw up.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
At the Americans for "Prosperity" Presidential Forum this morning, Frothy told a crowd of conservatives that instead of giving people government dependency, he wants to help the lower class "participate in the rise of this country." Ricky, if you want to help people participate in the "rise of the this country," then why have you repeatedly voted against raising the minimum wage? Let me get it straight, you want to have an entire class of people that are paid so little that they can barely afford to put food on the table, and you don't want to help them out as a society. You discourage this group from getting a college education and following the American dream of upwards class mobility by saying that Obama's policies of promoting opportunities for people from all classes to attend college is something he supports because he is a "snob" (another thing he said at the Americans for "Prosperity" Presidential this morning). It is you, Ricky, that are the snob. Your system of keeping a class of Americans that live in poor conditions, can barely eat and can't raise up in class or wealth sounds awfully familiar. And your previous statements of racially categorizing this lower class of people are equally as offensive and reveal your terrifying motivations for becoming president and spreading this evil. And no, Rick, these policies are not what a "Prosperity" President is all about.
Friday, February 24, 2012
'God' I wish I wrote this myself - a picture of what our nation will look like if Frothy becomes president.
Karen "the devil's wife" Santorum says Frothy's presidential bid is "god's will." Whose god, Karen? Not mine for sure. Not any sane person's. But then again you and your husband never were sane.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
In response to his vote for Georgie W. Bush's "No Child Left Behind" package, Frothy says, "I made a mistake." Well Ricky, as my favorite superhero, Clark Kent, says "There's no room for mistakes. Not when the world is watching."
I have to say, however, if this is what your mistakes look like, I hope you make many more.
I have to say, however, if this is what your mistakes look like, I hope you make many more.
NEWSFLASH: Frothy says he will vote for anything he disagrees with as long as the GOP supports it. My question to you, Mr. Rick, is what happens when the GOP wants to start killing the gays? Oh wait.. I'm pretty sure you already support that.
Read about it here.
Read about it here.
Another wonderful video of our favorite Frothy. This time, at around 6:08, he starts talking about whether or not gay couples with kids are families.. which believe it or not leads to him flipping out at the media because they ask him questions about gay rights "insistently." Well Rick, if you're going to try to trample on the rights of human beings, I think you have to deal with a few questions about it.
Check the video out yourself for some good old fashion fuel in the fire.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Watch and read about Frothy's radical views on public education here.
I'll give you a taste: he says that socialization in public schools (i.e. interacting with children the same age as your kids for 9 hours a day) is "weird." Riiiiight.. home schooled children NEVER turn out weird.
I'll give you a taste: he says that socialization in public schools (i.e. interacting with children the same age as your kids for 9 hours a day) is "weird." Riiiiight.. home schooled children NEVER turn out weird.
Who's to blame for America's energy problems? Why, Obama of course! Watch Frothy make a fool of himself here.
Watch out, US peeps - Frothy thinks Satan could strike you down with a lightening bult at any second.
"This is not a political war at all. This is not a cultural war at all. This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies, Satan, would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country: the United States of America." - Frothy, Ava Maria University, Naples, FL
Yep, you heard it. Forget big brother, Satan is the one with his eyes on you.
"This is not a political war at all. This is not a cultural war at all. This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies, Satan, would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country: the United States of America." - Frothy, Ava Maria University, Naples, FL
Yep, you heard it. Forget big brother, Satan is the one with his eyes on you.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
You've got to check out this video, where Frothy neglects to answer the question of how he would govern people of different faiths while staying true to his catholic faith. If you can't even answer a straightforward question, why should I trust you with my country?
To my favorite Frothy, aka Mr. Santorum:
I invite you now to listen to my plea,
And stop trying to destroy the land of the free.
I’ll admit, I think you’re actually pretty smart.
It’s just that sometimes (well.. Most times) you have absolutely no heart.
You think there should be a gap in income,
So the rich can gather money in a greater sum.
But this won’t help us average Americans.
That’s why you have so few liberal fans.
You think we should teach creation in schools,
Teach our kids to think like blind mules.
And don’t get me started on how you want to ban sex ed.
That won’t stop teenagers from going to bed.
You think “man on dog” is the same as being gay.
That type of insult is far from okay.
Why must you promote so much hate?
It doesn’t help the sad condition of our state.
You think contraception promotes unhealthy sex,
And when a woman is raped, you don’t see how the choice is complex.
According to these policies, women could be raped any day,
And would have to carry their rapist’s babies to term, without any say.
You tell lies about euthanasia in the Netherlands.
This is not how you will make any more friends.
Please stop lying with false statistics.
It is not one of your better characteristics.
You think women should only stay at home,
Tucked away, with their mop, fork and comb.
With this idea, you are flat out wrong.
You belittle the accomplishments that women have worked on for so long.
So Mr. Santorum, this is where my letter ends.
Though there is much more I can say, based on your trends.
Please stop promoting ideas that are medieval.
Then maybe I’ll stop saying “Rick Santorum Is Evil.”
I invite you now to listen to my plea,
And stop trying to destroy the land of the free.
I’ll admit, I think you’re actually pretty smart.
It’s just that sometimes (well.. Most times) you have absolutely no heart.
You think there should be a gap in income,
So the rich can gather money in a greater sum.
But this won’t help us average Americans.
That’s why you have so few liberal fans.
You think we should teach creation in schools,
Teach our kids to think like blind mules.
And don’t get me started on how you want to ban sex ed.
That won’t stop teenagers from going to bed.
You think “man on dog” is the same as being gay.
That type of insult is far from okay.
Why must you promote so much hate?
It doesn’t help the sad condition of our state.
You think contraception promotes unhealthy sex,
And when a woman is raped, you don’t see how the choice is complex.
According to these policies, women could be raped any day,
And would have to carry their rapist’s babies to term, without any say.
You tell lies about euthanasia in the Netherlands.
This is not how you will make any more friends.
Please stop lying with false statistics.
It is not one of your better characteristics.
You think women should only stay at home,
Tucked away, with their mop, fork and comb.
With this idea, you are flat out wrong.
You belittle the accomplishments that women have worked on for so long.
So Mr. Santorum, this is where my letter ends.
Though there is much more I can say, based on your trends.
Please stop promoting ideas that are medieval.
Then maybe I’ll stop saying “Rick Santorum Is Evil.”
Monday, February 20, 2012
Do they euthanize innocents in The Netherlands? Frothy sure thinks so. Too bad we don't do it here...
Read about Rick's lies here.
Read about Rick's lies here.
Frothy thinks global warming is not actual science but "political science." Well Mr. Ignoring-the-facts, when our planet resembles your "hell" because it's so hot, I hope then you come to the realization that your "god" sent you to "hell" for your many MANY sins. Me, I'll be soaking up the sun knowing I've done my best to counter your attack on humanity that resembles an attack by.. well.. "Lucifer" more then anyone else.
Frothy: Public schools are "anachronistic."
Frothy's latest - stop women from getting prenatal exams. Is this lunatic for real?? He has to be a troll..
Friday, February 17, 2012
Froster Friess (the billionaire funding much of Frothy's campaign) went on MSNB yesterday to say the following about contraception:
"Back in my days, they used Bayer Asprin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly."
Santorum defended his top suporter, saying the comment was just a "joke." Well, Ricky, the joke is going to be on you when voters RID our great nation of your radical agenda.
"Back in my days, they used Bayer Asprin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly."
Santorum defended his top suporter, saying the comment was just a "joke." Well, Ricky, the joke is going to be on you when voters RID our great nation of your radical agenda.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
An excerpt from Frothy's book "It Takes a Family":
"Many women have told me, and surveys have shown, that they find it easier, more “professionally” gratifying, and certainly more socially affirming to work outside the home than to give up careers to take care of children. Think about that for a moment. What happened in America so that mothers and fathers who leave the care of their children to someone else — or worse yet, home alone after school between three and six in the afternoon — find themselves more affirmed by society? Here we can thank the influence of radical feminism, one of the core philosophies of the [liberals]. It’s ironic. Radical feminists have been making the pitch that justice demands that men and women be given equal opportunity to make it to the top. But they refuse to acknowledge, much less value as equal, the essential work women have done in being the primary caregiver of the next generation. It seems to me that justice demands both fair workplace rules and proper respect for work in the home."
Yes, Frothy, the work that women did for generations as homemakers was valuable and should be respected, but the idea that demanding men and women be given equal opportunity is "radical" might just be the most offensive thing you've ever said (aside from the gay comparison to "man on dog"). So it is radical that I should be able to do what I want with my life, make my own decisions, be considered equal to men and have the same opportunities? Why is it that you would like to control women's lives, careers, bodies? Are you that insecure that you think strong, independent, working women who make their own choices are "radical"? Try looking in the mirror one day.
"Many women have told me, and surveys have shown, that they find it easier, more “professionally” gratifying, and certainly more socially affirming to work outside the home than to give up careers to take care of children. Think about that for a moment. What happened in America so that mothers and fathers who leave the care of their children to someone else — or worse yet, home alone after school between three and six in the afternoon — find themselves more affirmed by society? Here we can thank the influence of radical feminism, one of the core philosophies of the [liberals]. It’s ironic. Radical feminists have been making the pitch that justice demands that men and women be given equal opportunity to make it to the top. But they refuse to acknowledge, much less value as equal, the essential work women have done in being the primary caregiver of the next generation. It seems to me that justice demands both fair workplace rules and proper respect for work in the home."
Yes, Frothy, the work that women did for generations as homemakers was valuable and should be respected, but the idea that demanding men and women be given equal opportunity is "radical" might just be the most offensive thing you've ever said (aside from the gay comparison to "man on dog"). So it is radical that I should be able to do what I want with my life, make my own decisions, be considered equal to men and have the same opportunities? Why is it that you would like to control women's lives, careers, bodies? Are you that insecure that you think strong, independent, working women who make their own choices are "radical"? Try looking in the mirror one day.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Our favorite Frothy compared my body to a car today. Yes, Ricky, my car is just as important as my body, except when I'm pregnant, that's when you think my body is more important seeing as you'd like to control it. So what happens if my car get's pregnant? Are you going to try to control its uterus as well?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Great article about Frothy's WAR ON RELIGION.
Breaking news!! As Frothy declares the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal's rulling for marriage equality a "sad day," protesters interrupt. Two such equality supporters were tasered and arrested, at which point Frothy told them to "go out there and try to work for a living." Well, Frothy, as someone who was unemployed for 7 months despite sending out about 10 resumes a day, I would say that maybe if your party focused on their role of helping to create jobs instead of stripping rights away from minorities, then we wouldn't have people like the 99% protesting corrupt politicians like you.
Watch out for your day jobs, Moms, Frothy thinks that "unmarried mothers with high school diplomas or GEDs [moving] up the economic ladder is just wrong." Well, Frothy, we think that your face is "wrong." Yes, let's elect this guy as the leader of our nation and go back to the 50's. That's what is best for mothers and children across the country. Forget job stimulus, all we need is mothers back in the kitchen!
Monday, February 13, 2012
URGENT: Frothy thinks the people of California should have the choice to make any amendments to the constitution they want - including an amendment such as enslaving African Americans or putting Jewish people in concentration camps. According to him, "the people of the state of California can decide what kind of Constitution they have," irregardless of the content. So watch out n*ggers and k*kes ! You're next!
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