Friday, March 9, 2012

Just posted on youtube is a 2005 interview where Frothy compared abortion to slavery. In the interview, he says that abortion equates a clump of cells to "property,"similar to how human slaves were considered property of their owners back in the day. Well, Ricky, tell me how forcing a woman to undergo a medical condition is any less treating her like property then forcing a person to pick cotton out of a field? And let's talk about how you would like to outlaw birth control as well as abortion in the cases of rape. So basically, anytime anywhere anyone (male) that wants to have sex with a woman, whether or not she wants to, can force her to carry a child. Allowing the government or any man in the world to invade a woman's womb is treating her womb and her body like government property. Abortions prevent a clump of cells from developing into a human being. As you have put it so often when referring to gay marriage, a "paper towel is not a napkin," no matter how many times you say it is. Just the same, a clump of cells is not a human being no matter how much you want it to be. A woman, however? THAT is a human being. And her womb is not your property.

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